Social media has revolutionised the marketing landscape and is now a critical component of all business. We have the ability to communicate and engage with a global audience instantaneously as frequently as we desire.It is a game changer for businesses and individuals alike.
As social media is all about engaging with your audience, the question then comes, how do we keep our audience engaged on social media? Having an engaged audience is easier than you think, are are three easy attention grabbers you can incorporate into your social media marketing instantly that will boost your engagement rates.
1. Graphics
It is universally accepted now that social media posts that incorporate images are more successful. They are shared more frequently (over 200% more then posts without an image), and they have greater visual appeal.
You can make your own eye-catching graphics for free using PicMonkey’s design tool. There are also numerous free i-stock image websites that will allow you to download professional photographs for no charge. Check out this article for our favorite free i-stock photo websites. If you want to get a bit more creative and incorporate text and logo's over the top of your images, check out the Phonto smart phone app.
2. Polls
People love when you ask for their opinion, poll them on topics relevant to your desired target market. Wine Aficionados? Ask them what their favorite cheese pairing is! Lovers of organic products? Ask them to share their favorite new recipe. You catch the drift.
3. Relevant Articles With Snappy Quips
Relevant articles are great, but your audience can probably find those anywhere. When you create a social media post make sure that it makes them want to click. Does it detail how it can help their current situation? Fix a problem that they could foresee arising? Have catchy jargon that makes them giggle, ponder or want to share? These are all things you should be aware of.
Be sure to check back for updated tips to engage your audience.
If you have any questions or additional feedback, contact the Social Media College team here, we would love to hear from you!