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Complete our free course, plus attend 1 masterclass and join our community.
Best for those who want maximum support and quick results. Access our full library of courses, daily coaching, paid campaign support, live workshops and expert seminars.
Complete our free course, plus attend 1 free masterclass and join our community.
Best for those who want maximum support and quick results. Access our full library of courses, daily coaching, paid campaign support, live workshops and expert seminars.
Schedule a demo with our friendly team
The SMC Pro subscription is for you if you're a business owner, marketer or agency/freelancer and want to grow your business using social media marketing.
We know:
If this resonates, SMC is for you. Why?
Unlike most, SMC is an experienced, established and trustworthy educator in social media marketing.
We’re partnered with leading global Universities, Colleges and education platforms who trust us to write and deliver their social media marketing programs.
Over the past 7 years, there’s been over 27,000 enrolments into our courses from 156 different countries – either directly with SMC, or through one of our partners.
Online, we’re rated 4.9 out of 5 stars from hundreds of independently verified reviews.
We’re also partnered with leading global marketing software such as ActiveCampaign, Click Funnels, Sprout Social, and many more.
We could keep going, but rest assured, you’ve come to the right place.
Every one of our case studies is 100% genuine.
Our online reviews are also hosted on ProductReview, who independently verify anyone who leaves us one.
We’re also happy to connect you with anyone who's left us a review or case study before. You can reach out to them and ask them what they think about SMC.
The SMC Pro subscription includes:
SMC have courses covering all major social media platforms – including:
We also have courses on the marketing principles that you need, regardless of which platform you’re marketing on:
The best course for you will be based on your current situation, the challenges you're facing, and exactly what it is that you're trying to achieve.
In most cases, the solution is to learn the complete picture of social media marketing, instead of just one particular topic.
As a social media marketer, it's just as important to know what you should be doing as it is to know what you shouldn't be doing. Otherwise, you'll tend to lie awake at night wondering if you've got the right strategy. Or worse yet, you constantly chop and change strategies too quickly.
For this reason, we recommend new members complete the Social Media Marketing Intensive course – see below for more info.
The Social Media Marketing Intensive is our award-winning, 10-week program that takes you from zero to hero!
Each week we focus on a different social media marketing topic. You’re required to complete about 4 hours of course videos in your own time and on your own schedule.
At the end of that week, you’ll join a live 2-hour session with our students in your intake, which usually has about 20 people.
Facilitated by an expert social media marketer, you’ll ask questions and recap the important concepts, then complete activities to practically implement what you’ve learnt.
This ensures you’re gaining traction for your business, but also learning with a fun and like-minded group that is in the exact same boat as you.
And studying on a schedule means you’ll actually finish the course, instead of keep trying to get to it at the end of your day (and usually don’t!).
In just 10 weeks you’ll learn everything you need to know about social media marketing. You’ll also graduate a certified social media marketer, as the Intensive is the only social media course endorsed by the Australian Marketing Institute.
To enrol in the Intensive, you need to be a paid subscriber, plus pay the one-time enrolment fee of AUD $997 for the live element of the program.
They’re very practical! The reason we first created Social Media College was out of frustration with existing courses that were too general and full of useless theories.
For every social media marketing platform or topic, we answer the key questions:
- What do I need to do?
- Why do I need to do it?
- What order do I need to do it in?
- How do I do it?
- And who's doing it well?
We hit the right combination of strategy, instructional videos, and case studies to ensure you have everything you need to scale your business and career.
You can also access our expert social media coaches to overcome specific challenges or issues you're facing.
Let us guess. You’ve signed up for an online course before, but never finished it.
You started with the best of intentions, but then something got in your way: a challenge at work, your kids got sick, or something like that. Then, you kept trying to get back into it but never did. Sound familiar?
So how does SMC have record-high completion rates of over 90%?
Our preferred delivery format for a course is live and online. Learning on a schedule allows you to carve out the time in your diary and fully commit. All you need to do is turn up to the virtual session from wherever you are in the world.
We also spread our live workshops over 2 days so you’re not away from your work for too long and create a massive backlog for yourself.
Our live workshops are delivered by real-life social media practitioners. People ‘in the trenches’ with real industry experience, not self-proclaimed gurus. You can ask them questions live, meaning it’s super relevant and you get the most out of it.
Our self-paced courses are multi-format, meaning you can watch, listen or read, on any device. This means you can study while driving, at the gym, or on a bus – whenever and wherever suits you best.
Each week there are multiple live Q&A calls where you can jump in and ask questions about any course, get help overcoming challenges, troubleshoot paid ad campaigns, or just hang out with other members of our communities. This helps tailor your learning experience so that it’s more interesting and you can implement it right away.
We create modules that are short, usually around 10-15 minutes, so that you constantly feel you’re progressing. Even if you only complete one a day, it’s enough momentum to keep you motivated.
You’re asked to complete practical activities on your chosen organisation, ensuring you get results while you're studying, and keeping you motivated.
And finally, we have a big focus on community. An engaged group of people just like you who you can turn to for advice, making it fun and social, but also keeping you accountable.
So there’s no one thing that delivers high completion rates of courses, but instead many factors that work together. It’s a carefully created learning environment, built just for you.But most of all, we actually care deeply about you finishing our courses. We wish we could say that about other course providers, but sadly most don’t!
Sure. If you've got the time to work it out for yourself, go for it. But, if you're like most, there are challenges with this approach.
Firstly, unless you're an experienced marketer, you won’t know whether or not the YouTube video or blog article is any good – or whether it will work for your circumstances.
Secondly, there's a lot of content out there. It's contradictory, relates to only one specific industry, or goes out of date quickly. Most people end up even more confused, frustrated and overwhelmed than when they started.
And finally, scouring the internet gives you only bits and pieces, in the wrong order. Consider cooking – even if you have the right ingredients, if you cook in the wrong order, the meal will be no good.
Yes, you need to subscribe to SMC, however it's quick, convenient and immediately applicable. It’s taught by social media experts who live and breathe social media marketing – not someone who had success in their industry, and therefore thinks the same strategy will work for everyone.
Most importantly, SMC will help you define a clear and actionable social media strategy. This will stop you from changing direction every six to eight weeks, which does nothing but waste your time and money. We’ll get you laser-beam-focused and have the conviction to follow through.
When you become an SMC Pro subscriber, you can choose a monthly or annual plan.
For both plans, there’s no lock-in contract. You can cancel at any time and pay nothing more once your billing period ends.
If you’re not sure, start with a monthly plan and upgrade to the annual plan later to secure the discount – but only when you’re ready.
There's never a good time for learning, and there's always a good time for it.
When you were at school studying was all you did. As an adult, you have so many more commitments. Friends, family, work, health, finances, and so on. Fitting in time for study is a lot harder.
But the question to ask yourself is: what will this cost you if you don't do this? How much longer are you willing to tolerate your current situation and frustrations?
If you're reading this, you want change, and SMC can help you. Don't let your current excitement wane. If you do, you'll probably wake up and another six months will have passed and nothing will have changed.
Your ROI will depend on your current situation, your budget, how much time you dedicate, etc. Given this, we can't give you an exact ROI, but our goal is to deliver you at least 10 times your investment.
Often a 1-2% increase in sales is enough to realise a great return on the SMC subscription. But that’s certainly not our goal. We want 100%, 200%, 500%... 1000% growth. Because we know that’s what social media marketing is capable of delivering.
We won’t guarantee you an ROI because there are too many factors outside of our control. Your pricing, whether you implement what you’ve learnt, how hard you work, and so on.
If someone does guarantee you an ROI, you should run! They’re making you a promise they can't keep.
Please watch our testimonials. We have an incredible track record of helping business owners, marketers and agencies/freelancers to grow their revenue fast.
We’re also a subscription that you can cancel anytime. This lowers the upfront investment for you and forces us to keep adding value.
Whatever you do, don’t risk your money upfront on an expensive course without even seeing the content!
The principles of social media marketing that we teach work for any organisation – regardless of its size, product/service or industry.
During our live Q&A sessions, our expert social media coaches will be able to provide strategic advice and support to you during the implementation phase.
With our online community, you’ll be able to find and connect with like-minded business owners and marketers with similar organisations to yours.
SMC Pro subscribers get immediate access to our live Q&A sessions with our expert social media coaches.
These sessions are held over Zoom at least 2 days per week. You can get immediate help overcoming any specific challenges you're facing.
Ask strategy, tactics, data analysis, content feedback – anything!
You can also just join to meet other people and learn from their challenges, too.
Stop struggling through it on your own!
SMC Pro subscribers can also attend our ad campaign support sessions, held once a week.
Here you can ask an experienced practitioner to troubleshoot your paid social media advertising campaigns.
Get advice on things like your paid strategy, pixel setup, campaign performance and ad content and copy.
With our support, you can stop wasting money on expensive outsourced solutions and start achieving a better return on ad spend.
You can join our highly engaged and valuable social media marketing community – for free!
You’ll get access to a huge network of business owners, marketers and agency owners/freelancers. You can share and respond to community posts, plus follow and DM other members.
Our free membership also gives you access to:
Absolutely not. In fact, people who are brand new to social media marketing often make the best students because we don’t have to change old habits.
Our courses are structured in a way that progresses you from the core concepts, through to more complex strategies and tactics.
By easing you into it, and helping you to some initial success, your confidence will increase and you’ll be motivated to keep going.
SMC also works hard to create a ‘safe space’ for learning where there are no dumb questions. Our community is there to support each other, regardless of someone’s experience or skill level.
For paying subscribers, we have expert coaches who can provide support and guidance to you on the live Q&A calls. You can literally ask anything!
We've seen complete newbies achieve amazing returns and we've seen seasoned marketing professionals get just as much out of it.
Whatever state you’re in, you can feel confident to learn and implement social media marketing.
The challenge with social media marketing is that it’s constantly changing, particularly the algorithms and paid advertising platforms. What works today won’t necessarily work tomorrow.
Our courses are updated frequently, meaning your skills remain up-to-date and you’re always focussed on the best strategies. Ultimately, this ensures you generate the highest possible ROI on your social media marketing.
For free members, we host a topic-specific, 1-hour masterclass every month. From growing your Instagram followers, to creating short-form-video, there’s always something new and interesting to learn in these webinars.
For paying subscribers, there’s one live virtual workshop on every month. This is done in over 2 x 3-hour sessions, spread over 2 days.
Learning on a schedule like this means you’ll actually find the time and finish the course. Otherwise, you’re always ‘too busy’ and can never find the time for self-paced study.
Yes – our members are from all around the world!
We bring together business owners, marketers and agencies to upskill, stay updated and network with each others. We share a common goal of achieving mind-blowing social media marketing results and making a greater contribution – no matter how big or small.
On the members tab, you can search for people in your, allowing you to connect and collaborate with people in the same city or country as you.
When you subscribe to SMC Pro, you’ll get immediate access to all courses, live events and resources, so you can start learning right away.
The subscription includes 1 live social media marketing workshop every month, 2 live Q&A calls every week, 1 live paid ad campaign support session, access to all social media courses, plus exclusive content and resources.
If you’re not sure if it’s right for you, start with a monthly subscription. If you’re getting value from it, you can upgrade to our annual subscription to receive a huge 50% discount.
If you’d like a demo you can also book a chat with one of our team.