February 20, 2023

Personal Brand Marketing Audit

Personal Brand Marketing Audit

Conducting a marketing audit will assist in centralising all of the marketing activity that has occurred to date, and allow for ease of personal brand management moving forward. The steps below encompass a comprehensive personal brand social media marketing audit.

  1. Personal brand overview
  2. Search the individual’s name online
  3. Analyse all active social media profiles for the individual

1. Personal Brand Overview

Before embarking on a new personal brand marketing strategy, it is crucial to evaluate the individual’s current position in market. The best way to analyse an individual’s market position is through a detailed interview which analyses the individual’s key likes and motivations, profession and expertise, technical ability and resource available. Once completed, analyse each social media network that the individual participates in and observe the strategy. Is the audience engaged with this content? Does the social media profile reflect this individual’s values?

The keys areas to question in the initial assessment include:

  • What are your hobbies, interests, motivations?
  • Where do you feel you can add value to your future social media network?
  • Who do you want to connect with via your personal brand marketing?
  • What social media networks have you explored to date?
  • Which social media networks to you find most successful for your personal brand and why?
  • What content marketing strategy have you been utilising to date?

Personal branding is all about showcasing the individual in their most positive light. If the personal branding marketing strategy is centred around what the individual is truly passionate about, then they will automatically become more engaged with the content and the audience responses, therefore making it a successful marketing strategy.

2. Search the individual’s name online

Conduct a Google search for the individuals name to see what current activity is public. Social media network profiles are often the first to appear. Also check the Google Image search, if there are any images the individual does not wish to have publicly available, contact the source and request they are removed.

This online search should also include any imposter social media profiles. Imposter accounts can be reported to the respective social media network to have them removed immediately.

Finally, search for profile photos, reviews and/or write ups on third party websites where the individual may have had a presence in the past. Head shots should be consistent across the board to ensure the audience can recognise and relate to the individual.

3. Analyse all social media profiles, blogs, microsites and websites

Search for all of the social media profiles, blogs, websites and microsites that the individual currently owns. Are these profiles and respective websites on the brand? Do they reflect the individuals current values? Documenting the key elements of each of these profiles and/or websites will ensure that all the individuals' activity is centralised and can be strategised accordingly.

Download your free personal brand audit template here.

To learn more about achieving social media success, contact Social Media College today.

Jonathon Tanner

Jonathon Tanner

Co-CEO and Co-Founder

Co-CEO and Co-Founder of SMC, earned Social Media Educator of the Year from SMMI. With vast experience in social media strategy and content marketing, he's also a co-founder of other businesses. Specialising in growth strategy, Jon has a background in management consulting specialising in M&A.

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