It's the social media buzzword that leads to much confusion and discussion: the infamous 'Instagram Algorithm'. Quite simply: an algorithm is a system of rules that determines what you see and when on see it on your newsfeed.
Friends and followers lists are growing! And with this growth also comes competition: thousands of brands are competing for your attention on the newsfeed.
To further complicate things: everybody uses the app differently, whether you're a casual user or power user - there are those who endlessly scroll their newsfeed until they're all caught up and those who may just check in a few posts, read comments or watch a few stories before closing the app.
This is why the networks view algorithms as vital in ensuring each user is being served the content that resonates regardless of they use the app.
You may have seen the mindset shift for smartphone users to be more conscious of 'screen time', with apps and phone operating systems adopting ways allow users to monitor and control their own usage.
What does this mean for marketers?
Instagram has exploded in popularity in recent years and doesn't look set to slow down any time soon. At it's core, Instagram's algorithm is based on what and who users like and engage with. If there's a certain friend, associate, brand or relative you are constantly engaging with - don't be surprised if their content is be presented to you first when you open the app.
So the key lesson here: Always be engaging.
There are a lot of myths and misconceptions when it comes to best practise on Instagram. Does it matter how often you post? Is it better to post videos than pictures? What about shadow banning (being secretly banned for using the same hashtags too often) - is it real?
Let's us help clear any of your confusion! You will maximise every opportunity if you are armed with the knowledge of best practise. Click below to watch our Facebook Live episode on "Mastering Instagram's Algorithm" to learn how you can use it to your advantage!